Friday, August 20, 2010

Are Blogs Informing and Shepherding Us?

I read and comment on many blogs. They are all organized on my Google Dashboard, whether they are Google or not--I add them. Of course I read family blogs, blogs of friends, and blogs of all sorts of thinkers. I try to write on this blog at least once a month.

I am in a seminary class on counseling and look for Internet ideas. I get e-mail from Focus on the Family and from Gary Smalley. A favorite blog is Dr. Jay Adams's Blog. Dr. Adams just was released from the hospital and even from the hospital wrote a post. What a prolific author and helpful counselor he is!

Every day I get several posts from Tim Challies at  Reforming the Reformed.  R. C. Sproul's ministry sends out wonderful posts at Ligonier Ministries. Kevin DeYoung is a pastor in Michigan and he has a great blog that is part of The Gospel Coalition at DeYoung, Restless and Reformed. Rebecca writes such an interesting blog that Tim Challies also follows. She always has a "Thankful Thursday" and often defines theological terms at  Rebecca Writes.

I read  author Randy Alcorn, The Resurgence writers,  Lane KeisterScot McKnight's Jesus Creed and the random postings of  Brad Boydston. Brad is a developer pastor/professor in Arizona and often puts all kind of interesting news on his site. That's how I found Dr. Hurtado.  Scot rides herd on trends in the church, including the emergent movement.

I can spend hours and have to watch myself even though I am semi-retired. I ask myself first have I been the in Word, God's Word first. Scripture often forms the comment I post on a blog. Theology at best in my opinion is the essence of Scripture.


  1. The internet and reading blogs can consume a huge amount of time. I think we need to be selective in the places we visit regularly. It's not just the good use of the time God's given us but what we are filling our minds with, don't you think?
    Some places can become very argumentative and thus confusing, upsetting. You know what I mean?
    Thanks for linking above. Most of those I have visited but I will check out some others.

  2. Gentle reader, what should I write about in September? Any suggestions?


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