“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.”― John Heywood
I finally kept a resolution last year. Yes, I did start with January 1, 2011, and finish December 31, 2011. The resolution involved my devotions--a rich practice of applying Col. 3:6. Highly edifying in my life. Study of the whole Bible, with more than just listening to the Daily Audio Bible all year as I have for several years; in 2011 I found my highlight verses for year. Much more punch in my life than just listening to the Bible all year.
I actually typed them up and that list is 164 pages single spaced 11 point type. I used the New Living Translation. In 2012 I will use the NIV Passages Bible in an e-Book that lets me highlight and shows those highlights in context. Just this week I put this on my Nook and every day it will open up to the OT, NT, Psalm and Proverbs without my having to do much. A comment I heard about e-Bibles is that it is hard to find your way around in them. Not for with this Bible on and e-Book for my purposes on continuing letting the word of Christ dwell in me richly (Col. 3:16).
Jesse Johnson has said much about resolutions in the Cripplegate blog Self-examination and Resolutions post. Go there! Nathan Busenitz also wrote on the same blog about Top Ten .
But the problem with resolutions is the same as a "to do" list. It depends upon human will. Rather I think we need to have a heart towards God and find out what He wants us to do. Be WITH HIM.
Four years ago this blog was started and my goal was theological. Now I am pretty fed up with theological debates because people are all consumed in the debate. My brother says it's a "guy" thing. Rather as I age I just want to have that quiet relationship with the LORD, to meditate on His word and to concentrate on prayer--rejoicing, intercession and supplication. This is what I should have been doing all along instead of depending on my efforts of the flesh.
I just started a small journal that I am carrying around in my purse now with prayer for the week:
- Sunday--My church family and other congregations I have been a part of
- Monday--My sibblings and their families and two recent widowers
- Tuesday--My husband's family
- Wednesday--People who are acquaintances and friends
- Thursday--My cousins and the few older persons in the family (we are seniors now)
- Friday--My social media friends
- Saturday--My neighbors, our politicians, legislation, the election of 2012, and the world
LORD, make me willing to follow your bidding in 2012.
Help me be with Your program.
Help me be with Your program.
Great idea! I bought my husband the bible on DVD for Christmas. We 'watch' it at lunch time. We've struggled with a reading plan to do together since he's retired so this seems to be working so far.