Thursday, November 24, 2011

Can't We All Just Get Along?

With all the terms out there, Two-kingdom is new to me. So is Escondido Theology.  John Frame in his fresh-off-the press book, The Escondido Theology: A Reformed Response to Two Kingdom Theology makes some striking distinctions about the reformed camps. I did not want to read much theology anymore, but was able to buy the book at a discount from Whitefield Publishing.

So I read it, not understanding all of it, but causing much reflection. Basically it is a collection of Frame's critique of writing from former colleagues at Westminster Seminanry in Escondido, California.

Frame points out that "postmillennialist encourage Christians to seek change in political and social institutions. Such encouragement is counter to the tenets of the Escondido theology." (p. 6) Since I decided on postmil finally after much deliberation on this blog and after my pastor's preaching over the last year, it occurred to me that I need also to take a fresh look at change in our society, rather than have that two-kingdom approach. Some call this "theonomy", a position, that I thought I had rejected. But it won't be my preoccupation--Scripture is my preoccupation.  All this theology should draw me back to Scripture, meditation and prayer--not time on theology attacking other believers.

Frame says that some of the Escondido theologians belittle private worship and relevance of Power Point in churches. He says they also have a hesitancy for unity with other believers not in their Reformed camp. In critiquing one author Frame writes:
No shades of gray can be discussed, balanced, and weighed. Only light and dark exist, and Clark, because he knows the objective truth, is always on the side of light. p. 7
Those given to prayer and evangelism are treated with some suspicion, as if they are at least on the brink of losing their allegiance to the Reformed movement. p. 116
I do not have the background to critique this book and those who have two-kingdom theology. I do not see anything wrong with Power Point, but that is not a significant point, Mr. Frame. I would not choose a church on the basis of Power Point. Yes, we all need private worship and are called to that, but I seriously doubt the men in Escondido don't engage in private worship.

Prayer and evangelism have always been important to me. So is what happens in our country and in the world important to me. I want to vote carefully and be there for others and tell them about Jesus.

I also read in Scripture about unity of Christians. At times do we need critiques, or can we just all get along? I am hurting about the journey I have with my husband's Alzheimer's, and really go to church for worship and comfort. Theological debate in the Reformed church makes me sad.

I am a friend to anyone who fears you—

anyone who obeys your commandments.

Psalm 119:63  NLT

I want to be a friend of people who fear the LORD
and obey His commandments whatever their theology.

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